Why Are Memecoins So Controversial? Do They Have Real Value?

Crypto enthusiasts often wonder if memecoins actually have value or if they are just speculative products, right?

These digital currencies have become a phenomenon, attracting the attention of both crypto enthusiasts and skeptics. But why are memecoins so controversial?

It is clear that memecoins offer simplicity and entertainment value. You might like a cute dog wearing a hat or not, like cats or not. Memecoins provide an opportunity to express what you support. This becomes even more important in a world where loneliness is increasing and people are constantly searching for meaning and a sense of belonging. For example, Dogecoin, with its image of a cute Shiba Inu dog, has become a symbol for the cryptocurrency community and attracts a large number of users.

Memecoin: Speculation or Entertainment?

However, it is undeniable that many people buy memecoins for speculation. Ultimately, investing time and money in anything requires a decision between cost and benefit. You need to believe you will receive value or utility from it.

Memecoins are often built upon popular memes, hot events, or community sentiment. This makes their value susceptible to rapid changes, attracting speculators looking for quick profits. For example, the value of Shiba Inu skyrocketed after Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, tweeted about it.

So why are memecoins different from other choices we make with our time and capital? What makes memecoins less valuable than a movie or other forms of entertainment? Is it that something seems “realer” than something else? Or perhaps humans find it difficult to see others succeed more than themselves?

Of course, most memecoins don’t last long, but stories of those who got rich from memecoin speculation still exist. It makes many people feel unfair when someone succeeds by seemingly doing less work. This is one of the main points of contention surrounding memecoins: do they actually provide value or are they just a game of chance?

Simplicity: The Key to Memecoins

According to Click Digital, one part of memecoins’ appeal is their simplicity. In contrast, many other things try to appear as something they’re not—intentionally or unintentionally—and ultimately lead to disappointment.

Anything advertised comes with the risk of disappointing users, but it’s even more painful when you feel you’ve been tricked. The simplicity of memecoins is key because it clarifies the type of game being played. Memecoins don’t pretend to be anything other than a means to express your ideology and an opportunity to join a group/community/tribe. The meme itself is the product. Meme projects that try to build products often fail because it ruins the pure simplicity of the idea and its ability to spark imagination.

Memecoins: Tokenized Attention

Whether you like memes or not, this phenomenon is worth exploring. Social dynamics have made memecoins more popular (similar to GameStop, etc.), and mechanisms for attracting attention through tokenization.

Tokenization and collecting value from attention is a complex concept because although we understand that time is valuable, we’ve never seen value collected in such a raw and direct way.

You’ll hear skeptics say, “There’s no product. Don’t compare a company to a memecoin!” and “What value do memecoins provide?”

I’ll answer, “Gentlemen and ladies, can you explain why companies that aren’t profitable are worth billions of dollars?”

You watch movies, listen to music, visit museums, attend sporting events, or sign up for a new product. All of these are essentially the same. Everything is an investment and an allocation of scarce resources called time (attention).

Many things may seem “tangible” compared to memecoins, but investing is no different. And when others also invest in this, it’s a signal. Just because you don’t like a particular genre of music or sporting event doesn’t mean it’s less valuable. Entertainment and utility are subjective.

If you want to understand the world, you need to detach yourself from your version of what’s valuable and assess it for what it is, not what you think it is or should be.

Memecoins: Two Sides of the Coin

Simplicity: Easy to understand and access, doesn’t require in-depth financial knowledge.Lack of real value: Many memecoins don’t have specific products or services, their value primarily relies on speculation.
Entertainment: Provides fun and an opportunity to express yourself through supporting a meme or community.High risk: Value can fluctuate significantly, making it easy for investors to lose money.
Community: Connects users with shared interests and creates a tight-knit community.Lack of transparency: Many memecoin projects lack transparency about their operations and development team.
Investment potential: Opportunities for quick profits for speculators who catch the trend.Susceptibility to manipulation: Value can be manipulated by those with power within the community.
Tokenized attention: A new concept for collecting value from attention, offering new perspectives on value in the digital world.Decentralized mechanism: It can be difficult to control risks related to security and safety.

Note: This table only provides a general overview of memecoins. Investing in memecoins carries many risks and should be carefully considered.


Memecoins are a unique and controversial phenomenon in the crypto world. They reflect the intersection of internet culture, finance, and the desire for quick profits. Memecoins can be a fun form of entertainment, a symbol for the community, or a risky speculative tool. Depending on each person’s perspective and goals, memecoins can provide different values. However, it is important to be aware of the nature of memecoins and the potential risks before making any investment decisions.


Memecoins have sparked a lively debate within the cryptocurrency community. We need to continue monitoring and analyzing this phenomenon to better understand the nature and impact of memecoins in the future. Will memecoins be a financial bubble about to burst, or a new step forward for the cryptocurrency industry? The answer remains unclear, but what is certain is that memecoins have contributed to changing how we think about value and attention in the digital world.

The rise of Memecoins is a complex phenomenon with many different facets. We need to continue monitoring and analyzing it to better understand the nature and impact of memecoins in the future.

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